Pet Memorials

If you posted a pet memorial before 23rd June 2016 please click here to download a PDF to view the memorial pages from our old website.

Create Memorial

Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Gizmo the Cat

Gizmo - Loved by Victoria Jones

Cat - aged 14

Passed 23/04/2024

Narla the Cat

Narla - Loved by Sally L O'Neill

Cat - aged 1

Passed 11/04/2024

Milo the Dog

Milo - Loved by Scott Nicholson

Dog - aged 16

Passed 27/04/2024

Sassy the Dog

Sassy - Loved by Lee Shepherd

Dog - aged 11

Passed 23/04/2024

Peggy the Dog

Peggy - Loved by Nicola C Hunter

Dog - aged 6

Passed 20/04/2024

Wolverine the Dog

Wolverine - Loved by Sarah Dewar

Dog - aged 6

Passed 16/04/2024

Stevie the Dog

Stevie - Loved by Samantha White

Dog - aged 12

Passed 02/04/2024

Milo the Cat

Milo - Loved by Corinne Bowden

Cat - aged 4

Passed 03/04/2024

max the Dog

max - Loved by Donna Smith

Dog - aged 12

Passed 25/03/2024

Babbette suzie Henshall the Dog

Babbette suzie Henshall - Loved by Gail Henshall

Dog - aged 10

Passed 18/03/2024

Babbette suzie Henshall the Dog

Babbette suzie Henshall - Loved by Gail Henshall

Dog - aged 10

Passed 18/03/2024

Brody the Dog

Brody - Loved by Jacqueline Rose Falla

Dog - aged 14

Passed 21/03/2024