Pet Memorials

If you posted a pet memorial before 23rd June 2016 please click here to download a PDF to view the memorial pages from our old website.

Create Memorial

Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Monty the Dog

Monty - Loved by Elaine Cunliffe

Dog - aged 14

Passed 17/08/2023

Barney the Dog

Barney - Loved by Claire Hill

Dog - aged 11

Passed 16/08/2023

Clooney the Cat

Clooney - Loved by Beverley Ann Pearson

Cat - aged 14

Passed 03/08/2023

Chester the Dog

Chester - Loved by Caroline Holt

Dog - aged 7

Passed 07/08/2023

Ronnie the Dog

Ronnie - Loved by Deborah J Carrington

Dog - aged 7

Passed 23/07/2023

Bruno the Dog

Bruno - Loved by Rosie Farrar

Dog - aged 14

Passed 01/08/2023

DJ the Cat

DJ - Loved by Claire Louise Watts

Cat - aged 15

Passed 26/07/2023

Maddy the Cat

Maddy - Loved by Cheryl Wiggin

Cat - aged 22

Passed 28/06/2023

Freddie the Dog

Freddie - Loved by Kayleigh Taylor

Dog - aged 8

Passed 22/07/2023

Bleu the Dog

Bleu - Loved by Emma Raynor

Dog - aged 4

Passed 12/07/2023

Bella the Dog

Bella - Loved by Chris Tutin

Dog - aged 9

Passed 17/07/2023

Poppy the Dog

Poppy - Loved by Abby Tucker

Dog - aged 5

Passed 14/07/2023